Friday, February 28, 2014

Monkey See, Monkey do!

One of my favorite multimedia resources is a free, easy online photo editor called PicMonkey! :) The reason I like this photo-editor so much is because it's so easy to use. I've been using it since high school! Although its easy to use, it doesn't mean the editing power isn't powerful. There are countless ways to edit your photo through filters, stamps, and even beauty touch ups! Now who doesn't want that? 

It's really fun to use and interesting because the choices are really endless. It ranges from basic edits, beauty touch-ups, text, and frames. The list goes on! I personally think it's a great tool because you don't need to download it. Everything is directly online and you don't even sign-up to be a member. If you just quickly wanted to edit a picture, it wouldn't take much time or any money at all. It's especially great for those who are just getting into photography because it familiarizes the user with photography terms such as bokeh (those shimmery light circles when lights aren't focused on) or vignetting. I had no idea what these were until I messed around on PicMonkey. I even made a fake album cover with my friends using all the editing powers in PicMonkey. 

You could make one too! The reason why I feel its really applicable to writing 105M is because sometimes, Photoshop is just way too complicated. It creates a layer for everything and the photo editing tools are pretty comprehensive on Photoshop, but every time you want to add an effect it just takes time to make sure all the layers working together. PicMonkey isn't as detailed as Photoshop is but, it can create photos that are just as impressive. Personally, I used PicMonkey to edit even my Photoshop image projects because it was just easier to. Also, after my Photoshop trial ends, I still have PicMonkey to fall back on. 

I personally am a strong advocate for this site and I can testify that it works well, its extremely useful and really honestly, fun. I never had the same headache I did when I used Photoshop! Check out the site here

Friday, February 14, 2014

Maryland Media Study- Goodbye iPhone

One of the best and worst decisions I ever made was to get and iPhone. My brother got a smartphone before I did and simply said ,"It's gonna change your life". I thought he was just being super cheesy but I realize more and more that it really did. Life is a lot more convenient but also, I feel like I have developed an unhealthy dependency on my phone. If it's not texting or calling people, its playing games, going on Facebook or checking my e-mail. Sometimes, my roommates and I just sit on the couch and go on our phones respectively for a good hour. If that's not sad I don't know what is.

The last time I went without my phone was during the summer when I went to Cambodia. It was for a missions trip and we didn't have WiFi or service out there. I still used my phone to take pictures but other than that, it was pretty much a fancy iTouch. But, I remember getting so much closer to my teammates without technology in the way and because we didn't have anything else to do, we spent all our free time getting to know each other. The team got really close and to this day, my fondest memories come from spending time with them. But, the reality is whenever we went to a cafe or a random place that would actually have WiFi, we all became like WiFi vampires and gorged ourselves on the Internet. Once again, if that's not sad, I don't know what is.

So on this lonely Valentines day, I had no phone. There was no team or people to keep me occupied so I knew the day would be long. But, I did feel a certain gladness not to see people post up sappy statuses or couple things because I am a bitter single lady. I decided to go downtown because there was a clock tower that I always passed by, but I never took to time to check out. Going downtown on the bus, I had to check bus times and map my time out. Usually I would just use my phone to check everything but since I couldn't use it I just did it old school. The bus ride was so long and boring because I couldn't sit still with my thoughts. I'm beginning to see that I really use my iPhone to escape the realities of all my responsibilities and things I have to do.

Going to the clock tower was fun and the building is so beautiful! I wanted to be cool and take pictures and post it online but I knew that I couldn't so I just enjoyed it by myself. I kept wanting my check my phone for texts or notifications so I REALLY had to flex my self-control.  There was a certain freedom in knowing that no one could reach me and I could just have a day to myself. I could enjoy this new experience without having to feel like I had to be somewhere or I had to talk to someone. I felt overall, time went a little slower but in a great way. I'm not exactly the outdoorsy type so going outside was really refreshing for me and a great way to see new things. If by choice I probably wouldn't go without my phone, but it was interesting to see how I could somehow function without it. I think I should probably unplug more often.

Check this video out! I think it's a great representation of what the iPhone generation looks like

Friday, February 7, 2014

Finding a Letter

The alphabet is an awesome thing. Since I use it everyday, I often take it for granted. When I walk to classes or look around campus, the last thing on my mind are the hidden letters in the architecture. Since I walk by the same buildings everyday, I often take them for granted too. This assignment was truly a homage to finding the beauty in everyday things.

With a fresh perspective on the assignment, I went out to look for such interesting coincidences. I thought finding a letter would be difficult but, I was able to find these four during class time.

 Some are a bit more obvious than others but I was surprised to see that in about fifteen minutes I was able to find four separate letters, W, X, E and Y! (I hope you can find them in the images!) I knew that after taking these pictures, I liked the letters made in nature much more than letters made by man made structures. With that in mind I grew ambitious and wanted to find the most interesting and picture perfect letter there was.

And then my procrastination attacked me. I was really excited about this project but when it came down to the week the first photoshop image was actually due, I realized all I had in my hand were these four images.So, the day before it was due I was determined to find the perfect image. And EVEN THEN, I decided to wait till the last minute. Monday at 5PM, I ran out the door to take photos because I was losing sunlight. Curse you procrastination!

I live in IV so I started walking around the neighborhood and found zero inspiration. What about the clouds? Nope. What about the trees? Nope. What about these rocks on the ground? Nope. The paradoxical thing is that while I had such limited time, I was being extremely picky about what I wanted to create. I guess in a way I really care about projects that allow my creativity to shine.

After not finding one thing that created a letter, I decided to go down to Del Playa and look at the sunset. Might as well watch something beautiful in what seemed like my failure. I decided I would just choose between my four, poor quality images. I have a DSLR so I felt it was such a waste to not use it, but my procrastination had taken its course. OR SO I THOUGHT!

The sunset created the perfect backdrop. The stairs leading down to the beach created a clear letter. I whipped out my DSLR and snapped a few pictures. Here's my final draft.

Although I don't advocate procrastination, this is one of the few (VERY FEW) cases it worked out perfectly. Waiting till sunset in my panic, the picture turned out more colorful than I had ever hoped for. I think the lesson I learned through this process is to...

1) Stop procrastinating even the fun and enjoyable projects
2) Sometimes, when we least expect it, things work out 

When I had given up and simply wanted to look at the sunset that's when I found the perfect image. I think in life too, there are times when we lose hope. But when we look to the simple and pleasurable things in life we gain new perspective. We get so caught up in the business of life, our hopes to become successful and the pressure to be on the "right track". But, when we take a step back, take a breath and appreciate the small things we realize we have so much already. I don't know what this has to do with actually processing and creating this image but I think I gained a life lesson without expecting it. 

I'm so happy with this little image and with the letter S these are the words that come to mind

Serenity, Sea, Simplicity, Splendor, Sweet. 

WTF? What the Font?

Font always fascinated me. I remember when AOL Instant Messenger (AIM) was extremely popular all throughout junior high and high school. Your font represented your personality. Comic sans used to be the coolest font and you could choose your favorite colors. Ah, brings me back.

In Spiekermann and Ginger’s, "Looking at Type", the authors create an academic perspective on why font is so important. In visual design, font is like a first impression, it can really make or break your opinion about your design. Using a shoe analogy, Spiekermann and Ginger compare the uses of fonts as dynamic and crucial as wearing the right shoes to the right event.

"Sometimes the letters have to work hard to get across straight facts or numbers, or they may need to dress up the words a little to make them more pleasant, more comfortable, or simply prettier" 

I took a Global Writing class last Spring and the Professor stressed the importance of using a clean visual, streamlined font especially for resumes! I never fathomed that font had such power. But reading, "Looking at Type", I see that there are endless varieties and choices when it comes to font. The choice is more important that I ever thought and now I will think twice about my designs. I guess even font has the ability to get your resume in the door for a entry level job. 

In terms of more creative outlets of design, the font can be as vibrant as your personality. I think that while it is still important to use fonts that are readable and easy on the eyes, the fonts can put in a strong narrative for your piece. For example, in an announcement flyer I made for my campus club, I used contrasting fonts to relay important information. I try to use fonts that match the image and my personality. 

I'm excited to try out more contrasting fonts and experiment with this mode of communication! 

Friday, January 31, 2014

Audacious Audacity

When I think about Audacity I automatically think....

"How DARE you have the AUDACITY to speak to me like that!"

Anyway, I think I would like to take this moment to say that to my podcast.

" How DARE you have the AUDACITY to be so freaking difficult!?"

My podcast at first was so much fun. Looking for cool sound effects, interviewing my friend, hearing how funny my voice sounds on the computer. Yes, it was all fun and games before the dreaded editing.

Even a second of sound can make a difference I have realized. One second of awkward pause or cut off words can really break the flow of the podcast. Going back in and editing and re-editing little bits of sound was a major pain.I interviewed my friend on the phone so listening to all the scratchy sounds and distortions in voice was definitely not ideal. I aimed for crystal clear sound and I wanted to blow everyone out of the water only to find out that I have zero equipment and skill for that.

On a lighter note, I would have to say the rewards for learning how to use Audacity are as plentiful as the headaches. Using Audacity, I can mix music for let's say a dance performance or if I wanted to record a song I could do that. I don't think I will make a podcast ever again, to be honest, unless I hire an editor to do all the dirty work for me. But, I can use this program for other purposes and it makes me feel really technologically advanced.

As for audio tied in with text, I feel like the text is like a story-board and the audio works to embellish and bring it to life. The text provides a clear, linear point of view. This is me, this is my podcast, this is what we're going to talk about. The audio on the other hand, fleshes out the script. It makes it believable and brings out the speaker's personality. I guess it would kind of represent left brain and right brain. The text is the left brain whereas the audio is the right brain.

Friday, January 17, 2014

Podcasting 101

This week was definitely a little crazy thinking about all the things we looked at in class. I felt like I was being pumped full of information on new multimedia forms of expression. While a little overwhelmed, I really did enjoy all the new things I'm learning.

To respond to one of the readings, I thought Podcasting 101 was the most encouraging and informative on how to actually successfully write and record a podcast. I was confident in things like gliffy and screen-cast-o-matic but an actual podcast? It was a truly daunting task.

The author states that podcasts are a form of expression where you can cross traditional boundaries. Its free, its easily accessible and an interesting way to express your creativity. It sounded easy enough in the article.

Coming up with the topic was the easy part, all I had to do was pick something I liked and I wanted to talk about for five minutes. I thought the time limit was a joke and I thought my podcast was going to be at least 10 minutes long. I was so enthusiastic and pumped up for my topic that I felt supercharged and overconfident in this podcast. My topic, dance, is something that I've lived and learned since middle school. I was seriously so so so so naiive.

When it came down to the actual part of writing the script. I realized I'm so boring! My script at first sounded so proper and didn't have any personality. Its probably because I'm supposed to write academically and proper for all my classes that I was stuck in this boring rut. So I changed it up a bit, added a bit of my own flavor and it turned out better. But, the best script was the one I didn't write but the one that flowed naturally from my lips.

Podcasting is not so easy. Writing a script for a ten minute podcast? *SCOFF How could I have been so stupid. But, it did teach me a lot about how we are so gifted. People are able to really connect to others simply by voice and that takes some talent! Through a simple string of words and letters, humans are able to communicate their passions and there's real beauty in that.

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

I always have a hard time writing these "about me" sections. I try to come off as witty, engaging and charming but I find that I'm not really all that eloquent in person, so why should my "about me" take so much time and thought? So, here goes..about me.

My name is Christine Han.
I'm 21 years old.
Fourth year Global Studies major.
My name means "Follower of Christ",
and it's become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Been living in SoCal since birth
A proud Korean-American! :)

I really enjoy reading all types of books except, you know, readings required for classes. I guess I have a tiny little bit of a rebellious spirit because when it comes to things I don't have to read for credit, I can get lost into it with a snap of a finger.

I wanted to learn more about multimedia writing because our society has become increasingly more digital. I hope to work with NGOs or organizations passionate about social justice. By utilizing social media, I hope to raise awareness of various issues and encourage social involvement.